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New Era Systems provides satellite communication for remote mining site in Africa.

Wanted: skilled workers for remote mining site, high-pay, isolation and loneliness guaranteed!

Of necessity, mining for copper and other minerals takes place in remote regions of the world. The mines are controlled by a handful of ex-pats often continents away from their home and family. Feelings of isolation are very common within these communities of workers, and because of this, it's hard to keep good employees.

One of our major mining clients has taken extraordinary steps to overcome this problem by installing an satellite Earth Station specifically for the communication needs of the employee's housing compound.

New Era Systems, of Pompano Beach Florida already handles the full communication needs of the companies mine sites, and now has been asked to do the same for the employee's compound.

Phil Thomas, President of New Era Systems explains that Satellite communication is not a difficult task; we send the client the complete equipment package, and a local installer makes the system operational within three days of receiving it.

With their new communication system, the employees will be able to exchange email, photographs, telephone and even video conversation with their family back home.

The satellite system consists of a dish, a satellite radio, modem and a router. Depending on the layout of the compound, each room can be connected by cable, or by wireless. The important point is that the housing communication system is totally separate from the corporate system.

Our client values their employees and seeks ways to reduce the high cost of employee turnover and found this benefit to be welcomed by their staff. New Era has cooperated on other housing communication systems in the past and will most likely do the same in future as new mine sites are established.

New Era Systems, Inc. is based in Pompano Beach Florida, and has been selling satellite equipment and providing bandwidth connections to Mining and Exploration companies since 2000.

Pompano Beach, Florida
Phil Thomas at 954 974 7144 or